
Abdullah Hamdi

Postdoc Researcher; Computer Vision

VGG lab, University of Oxford


I am a postdoctoral research fellow in machine learning and computer vision at the Visual Geomtry Group of the University of Oxford with Prof. Andrew Zisserman and Prof. Andrea Vedaldi, and a research felllow (JRF) at Kellogg College. Prior to that, I earned PhD and MS degrees in Electrical an computer Engineering (Computer Vision) from KAUST, working on 3D understanding with deep neural networks. I was part of the Image and Video Understanding Laboratory (IVUL) in the Visual Computing Center (VCC), advised by Bernard Ghanem. I was a visiting PhD student with Prof Matthias Niessner at TUM in 2022 for 5 months in Munich. I received my my undergraduate degree form KFUPM in Electrical Engineering. My carear goal is to develop robust deep learning tools for 3D understanding and creation and to expand the access of AI to disadvantaged groups in the Arabic region. [video, article, TedX talk]. I am also the founder and president of fihm.ai (biggest Arabic online AI platform).


  • Multi-view for 3D Understanding and Generation
  • Robustness of Deep Learning
  • 3D Deep Learning
  • Simulation for Vision


  • PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering (GPA 3.7/4), 2023

    King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

  • MSc in Electrical Engineering (GPA 4/4), 2018

    King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

  • BSc in Electrical Engineering (GPA 3.97/4), 2016

    King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals


25/09/2024 Our NLSON paper got got acceptd as a journal paper at Computational Visual Media , Impact Factor: 17.3 (2023) , Impact Factor: 17.3 (2023)
12/09/2024 Our Fihm.a summer school 2024 concluded with over 3,800 attendees over 4 days. I gave two lectures: Intro to Deep Learning and 3D Graphics & AI Applications
30/08/2024 Our TrackNeRF paper is accepted at ECCV 2024 , and made a buzz at the research community when released
05/07/2024 I was elected as a Junior Research Fellow (JRF) at Kellogg College of Oxford University starting Fall 2024. JRFs are the most prestigious postdoc fellowships in the UK.
04/07/2024 Finished taking the MIT course 5.95J: Teaching College-Level Science and Engineering by Sanjoy Mahajn (Spring 2009) and Janet Rankin (Fall 2015) on MIT OpenCourseWare
21/06/2024 Presneted our GES paper at CVPR 2024 main confernce as a poster .
17/06/2024 Won the first place at Visual Queries 3D challenge of Ego-Exo4D at EgoVis workshop at CVPR 2024 for the THIRD TIME IN A ROW ( picutre )
17/06/2024 Lead organizing the Second 3DMV workshop at CVPR 2024 with huge attendance for a full day
13/05/2024 I was elected for the competetive Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) at the Kellogg College at the University of Oxford starting Michaelmas Term 2024. JRF is the most prestigious postdoctoral fellowship in the United Kingdom.
03/05/2024 Our X-Diffusion paper released and made a buzz at the research community
27/02/2024 Our GES paper got accepted at CVPR 2024
17/02/2024 Our GES paper released and made a buzz at the research community
16/01/2024 Our Magic123 paper got accepted at ICLR 2024
28/12/2023 Our NLSON paper got best paper award at Neurips 2023 workshop of Zero shot Learning in Foundation models
18/10/2023 Gave a talk at Andreas Geiger's group at University of Tubingen about Learning 3D with multi-view supervision: from AlexNet to Stable Diffusion .
17/10/2023 Our Pix4Point paper is accepted at 3DV 2024
04/10/2023 Our EgoLoc oral paper is featred at ICCV 2023 news
09/07/2023 Gave a talk at Vincent Sitzmann .
14/07/2023 Our EgoLoc paper accepted at ICCV 2023 conference in Paris, France as an oral
02/07/2023 Our Magic123 paper released and made a buzz at the research community
19/06/2023 Lead organizing 3DMV workshop at CVPR 2023 ( picutres, panel discussions )
19/06/2023 Presneted our VARS paper at CVPR 2023 .
19/06/2023 Won the first place at VQ3D challenge of Ego4D workshop at CVPR 2023 ( picutres )
02/05/2023 Started my postdoc at VGG lab , University of Oxford ( Tweet ).
~ The beginning of my postdoc ~
02/05/2023 Presneted our Voint cloud paper at ICLR 2023 ( picutres )
10/04/2023 Successsfully defended my PhD dissertation titled Towards Designing Robust Deep Learning Models for 3D Understanding ( picutres ).
19/02/2023 Gave a talk and presented a poster at KAUST AI Rising Stars Symposium .
14/02/2023 Gave a talk about Stable Diffusion and Beyond at KAUST.
21/01/2023 Our Voint Cloud paper accepted as poster at ICLR 2023 conference, Rawanda
16/12/2022 Our CVPR 2023 workshop proposal `3DMV: Learning 3D with multi-view supervision` was acepted to CVPR 2023
27/10/2022 I lead a team `Ain Sports` to win the 2'nd place at the Thakaa AI for sposrts competetion , with a total prize of SR 250K
24/10/2022 We won the 1'st place in Ego4D VQ3D challenge at ECCV2022
28/09/2022 I represented KAUST at the Saudi-Chinese Youths Audio-visual Communication Workshop
13/09/2022 I represented KAUST at the 2'nd global AI summit in Riyadh
17/08/2022 I gave a talk at Stanford Geometric Computing group on `the robustness of 3D understanding methods`.
04/08/2022 I supervised an intern to our group `Faisal Alzahrani` to win at a poster competetion at KAUST for his work on a TPAMI extension to MVTN.
02/07/2022 My first child `Jamal` was born
19/06/2022 Attended CVPR 2022 ,Virtually.
17/06/2022 Gave a talk at TUM AI group at Munich , Germany about `Pix2Rad: learning to Generate 3D Shapes Radiance Fields from Few Images`
15/05/2022 I was hosted on Jeddah Radio to talk about AI as a carear and advice for college students.
15/02/2022 I was awarded the prestegious `Ibn Rushd Postdoc Fellowship Award` by KAUST amoung 12 Saudis from all over the world.
01/02/2022 I started a research internship with Prof. Matthias Niessner in TUM, Munich.
17/11/2021 I was awarded `CEMSE Student Research Excellence Award` at KAUST for the 2nd time.
12/10/2021 Attended ICCV 2021 ,Virtual to present MVTN paper.
06/10/2021 I was hosted on the mainstream podcast `Thmaniah` to talk about AI bias .
23/09/2021 I successfully passed the phd proposal exam titled: `Towards Designing Robust Deep Learning Models for 3D Understanding`.
18/06/2021 Attended CVPR 2021 Virtually.
01/06/2021 Gave a TedX talk about AI inequality at KAUST.
14/05/2021 One paper ( MVTN ) accepted as poster at ICCV 2021 conference, Virtual
21/03/2021 I was hosted on Elm Al-Heal podcast to talk about AI history and application .
14/02/2021 One paper ( Tight Bounds ) accepted as poster at ICLR 2021 Workshops .
15/12/2020 Gave a seminar about `3D attacks on deep learning models` to ACM IIT, Hyderabad chapter .
10/12/2020 Winner of the NEOM AI Challenge , Entertainment track (AI-Sports team).
17/11/2020 I was awarded `CEMSE Student Research Excellence Award` at KAUST.
27/10/2020 Gave Introduction to Deep Learning Workshop .
04/10/2020 Gave a seminar about my recent papers on 3D Adversarial Attacks on `Computer Vision talks` serirs
04/10/2020 I was hosted on Jeddah Radio to talk about AI and it’s positive and negative implications
09/06/2020 Gave Introduction to Deep Learning Workshop to +600 attendees in KFUPM innovation club.
24/07/2020 Attended ECCV 2020 ,Virtual to present AdvPC paper.
23/07/2020 ( Semantic Robsutness ) paper wins Best Paper Award at Workshop on Adversarial Robustness in the Real World in ECCV 2020
18/06/2020 Attended CVPR 2020 Virtually.
14/04/2020 One paper ( AdvPC ) accepted as poster at ECCV 2020 conference, Virtual
25/01/2020 Accepted for a research internship at Adobe, London with Prof. Niloy Mitra (canceled last minute due to COVID 19)
09/12/2019 Gave a two hours talk on Neural Rendering in an IVUL's group meeting
07/11/2019 One paper ( SADA ) accepted for spotlight at AAAI 2020 conference, New York
18/06/2019 Attended ICCV 2019 in Seoul, South Korea to present at Explainable AI workshop
18/06/2019 Attended CVPR 2019 at Long Beach, Calfornia
01/03/2019 Gave a Lecture on GANs , EE354 (Intro to Computer Vision), KAUST
08/08/2018 Volunteered as an orientation leader to help new KAUST students
10/06/2018 Started my PhD degree at KAUST with Bernard Ghanem
10/04/2018 Started fihm.ai to be the Arbic AI hub
25/03/2018 Awarded KAUST Fellowship with full tuition support for a PhD degree
20/02/2018 Granted a US Patent on invention: `Smart dust-cleaner and cooler for solar PV panels`
~ The beginning of my PhD program ~
12/04/2018 Successfully defended my Master’s thesis on GANs for imaginative generation
25/11/2017 I obtained 107/120 in English TOEFEL IBT test
21/05/2017 Won the 1st place in Entrepreneurship Super Steam challenge for Saudi universities in KAUST, $ 8,000 prize, startup idea: VR labs.
07/01/2017 Attended the Winter Enrichment Program WEP 2017 at KAUST
03/11/2016 Completed the Coursera-Stanford course on Machine Learning
03/10/2016 Developing visual object tracking and orientation detection vision for UAVs, participating with KAUST team that wins MBZIRC international competition.
21/08/2016 Started my Master's degree at KAUST and joined IVUL 's research group
10/07/2016 Awarded KAUST Fellowship with full tuition support for an MS degree
~ The beginning of my master's program ~
24/05/2016 Graduated from KFUPM with a BSc in Electrical Engineering
04/05/2016 Leading Best Senior Design Project: `Low cost automatic controlled drones`
14/06/2015 Started my summer internship at General Electric, Power Generation Services with Hassan Elokdy in Dammam, Saudi Arabia
20/07/2015 Member in KFUPM president highest advisory student board, and chairman of student activities development committee in the board.
20/04/2015 Founder and president of KFUPM Innovation Club (+200 members).
07/09/2014 The 1st place winner in Nassir Bin Hamad international youth creativity award in science for invention in solar dust cleaning. US Patent: US9899957B2 .
21/07/2014 Started an Exchange program at Texas A&M , College Station, TX. I finished 14 credit hours with perfect GPA (4.0/4.0)
01/05/2014 Placed 9th inventor in the the fifth Scientific conference for higher education in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
10/09/2011 Started my Bachelor's degree at KFUPM aiming to be an academic.
~ The beginning of my Bachelor's program ~
25/05/2011 Obtained my high school diploma from Alfalah school , Makkah, with a 100% accumlated grade.
01/02/2010 Won the 1st place in the national Mawhiba Chemistry Olympiad
01/07/2009 Won the 3rd place in the national Mawhiba Chemistry Olympiad
01/07/2008 Nominated to represent Saudi Arabia in International Junior Science Olympiad for most qualified students in the world in Changwon, Korea.


